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About Me
一個來自台灣的插畫家,喜愛繪畫與創作。 筆名靈感來自潮汐,故取了「永初汐矢」這樣子的名字,以英文和日文來稱呼就是Shioya。 從幼稚園就發覺自己喜愛畫畫這件事,進而鑽研並慢慢踏入繪畫領域,最喜歡夢幻與古典的風格,擅長日韓畫風,歐美也算在行。 還在持續讓夢想與努力並行前進。 A Taiwanese illustrator who has a passion for drawing and creating. The pen name is inspired by tides, hence the name "永初汐矢" in Chinese. In English and Japanese, it is referred to as Shioya. Discovering a love for drawing since kindergarten, gradually delving into the realm of art. Favors dreamy and classical styles, excelling in the Japanese and Korean art styles, while also competent in Western styles. Continuing to pursue dreams while putting in ongoing effort.
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