Creative Environment
因為自己還在就學當中,所以還在使用筆電ACER NITRO AN515-55,效能有時會有不足的現象,未來會換成桌上型電腦。 空間上非常有限,在難以同時使用繪圖螢幕和鍵盤的同時,搭配TourBox Elite做使用,為了減少桌上線的數量,無線的產品使用居多。 Because I am still a student, I am currently using the ACER NITRO AN515-55 laptop. Sometimes, the performance is not sufficient, and I plan to switch to a desktop computer in the future.. The space is very limited, making it difficult to use a drawing tablet and keyboard simultaneously. I use TourBox Elite to manage this, aiming to reduce the number of wires on the desk. Most of my products are wireless to accommodate the limited space.
Graphics tablet

在2021年2月之前都是使用Wacom Intuos Manga Small,陪伴我至少7年的板子,年久故障,頻頻感應失靈,右上角藍燈狂閃,滑標亂飄,因此選擇換掉設備。 在新手時期是非常好用的一款繪圖板了,不過用久還是難免會有刮痕的情況 ,足夠使用好一段時間,繪圖筆的筆芯基本上消磨不快,我甚至不曉得自己有沒有換過筆芯......。 Until February 2021, I used the Wacom Intuos Manga Small tablet, which accompanied me for at least 7 years. The tablet developed issues over time, with frequent sensor malfunctions, erratic cursor movements, and a rapidly blinking blue light in the upper right corner. Therefore, I decided to replace the device. It was an excellent drawing tablet for beginners, but after prolonged use, scratches inevitably appeared. It served me well for a considerable time, and the drawing pen's nibs didn't wear out quickly. I'm not even sure if I ever had to replace the nib.

繪圖板「Huion inspiroy h640p」,在這之前我只用過Wacom,繪王我是第一次接觸到,我可以說繪王在繪畫設備上算CP值很高的,Wacom普遍要到8192的筆壓,價格會比繪王來的高。 我約花了1530元購入,板子比我想像中的還要光滑,快捷鍵多,可以依自己的喜好設定,新手若要開始學習電腦繪圖,設備上繪王也會是很不錯的選擇。 The graphics tablet 'Huion Inspiroy H640P'—before this, I had only used Wacom. This was my first experience with Huion, and I can say that, in terms of drawing devices, Huion offers great value for money. Wacom generally requires a pressure sensitivity of 8192, and the price is usually higher than that of Huion. I spent around 1530 NT dollars to purchase it. The tablet surface is smoother than I imagined, and it comes with many shortcut keys that can be customized according to personal preferences. For beginners starting to learn digital drawing, Huion would be a great choice in terms of devices.
Drawing Monitor
目前使用的是Wacom cintiq 16,個人覺得從繪圖板轉變使用繪圖螢幕,不會有不適應或難以上手的情況。先前有用過平板繪圖過,但很容易有過熱的現象,玻璃太厚的繪圖失真感,所以這次選擇的是繪圖螢幕,而非平板。 這款我另外搭配了腳架、肯特紙膜,螢幕厚度也比較薄,畫上去的手感佳,但缺點就是線非常多,會很佔空間。建議要搭腳架,不然本身的支撐架很低,繪畫起來會比較辛苦,也傷脖子頸椎。螢幕很大也比較重,所以如果是常常需要出門作畫的人,建議還是買平板會比較好。 繪圖筆的功能比較少使用,這款的繪圖筆是Wacom Pro Pen 2,有8192的筆壓,但筆芯的消耗,使用在螢幕相較繪圖板快,購入使用到現在只換一次筆芯。 整體上十分優秀,但主體加上支架、貼膜,價格並不是很親民。貼膜有很多不同質感選擇,肯特紙保護膜,擬紙感讓人有在紙上作畫的真實感,也給產品的使用上大大加分。 I'm currently using the Wacom Cintiq 16. Personally, transitioning from a drawing tablet to a drawing monitor didn't cause any discomfort or difficulty adapting. I've used a graphics tablet before, but it tends to overheat easily, and the drawing can feel distorted due to the thickness of the glass. Therefore, this time, I opted for a drawing monitor instead of a tablet. I also paired this model with a stand and a matte screen protector. The screen is relatively thin, providing a good drawing experience. However, one downside is that it has many cables, occupying a lot of space. I recommend using a stand; otherwise, the built-in stand is quite low, making drawing more challenging and potentially straining the neck. The large and heavy screen may not be ideal for those who frequently need to draw on the go, so a tablet might be a better option. I don't use many features of the drawing pen. This model comes with the Wacom Pro Pen 2, featuring 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity. However, the pen nib wears down faster when used on the screen compared to a drawing tablet. Since my purchase, I've only had to replace the pen nib once. Overall, it's an excellent device, but considering the main unit along with the stand and screen protector, the price is not very budget-friendly. There are various texture options for the screen protector, and I chose a matte paper-like protector, providing a realistic drawing experience and significantly enhancing the overall usability of the product.

Software controller
在桌面空間有限的情況下,難以直接使用鍵盤,所以我選擇購買軟體控制器「TourBox Elite」替代鍵盤快捷鍵。 它擁有轉盤、旋扭、按鍵、滾輪...等14個按鍵,每個都能互相搭配使用,還各自擁有不同的回彈聲音,可以自行更改按鍵替代的快捷指令。對於比較熟悉指令的人,記憶按鍵分配上是比較快速的,也支援了很多軟體,包括我常用的CSP、PS...等。 現在是我必不可少的輔助用具,擁有藍芽功能,若是需要線也可以買Type-c做連線使用,沒電了只要做電池更換即可,續航力佳,對於我來說一次使用2個月不是問題。 缺點是價格昂貴,也不是什麼必備物品,看個人習慣斟酌購買,對新手而言上手也比較困難,建議都是從鍵盤開始,往後需要更深入的鑽研領域,再將TourBox Elite納入考量。 In a limited desktop space, it's challenging to use a keyboard directly. Therefore, I chose to purchase the software controller "TourBox Elite" as a substitute for keyboard shortcuts. It features a knob, dial, buttons, scroll wheel, and 14 programmable keys, each with different tactile feedback. These keys can be customized for various shortcuts, and for those familiar with commands, assigning them is quick. It supports many software applications, including my commonly used ones like CSP and PS. Now, it has become an indispensable auxiliary tool for me. With Bluetooth capability, it can also be connected via Type-C if needed. The battery is replaceable, and its battery life is excellent, lasting me about two months on a single charge. The downside is its high price, and it's not a necessity for everyone. It might be a bit challenging for beginners to get used to, so I recommend starting with a keyboard. As you delve deeper into advanced techniques, you can consider incorporating the TourBox Elite into your setup.
Proficient Software Programs and Applications
從初期使用Paint Tool SAI到現今使用的CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX,兩者相比,使用CSP的時間更久,皆熟悉介面跟操作。 CSP在更新上做得比較充足完善,多樣化以外,也有許多素材筆刷可以做使用,漫畫與動畫也能交給它來完成,所以是我最主要的繪圖軟體,隨後將完整的圖導入Photoshop做後製跟特效的調整,讓作品表現得更出色。 I have transitioned from using Paint Tool SAI in the early stages to my current preference, CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX. I am more familiar with the interface and operations of CSP as I have been using it for a longer period. CSP is more extensively updated, offering a diverse range of features and a multitude of materials and brushes for creative use. It is my primary drawing software, capable of handling both manga and animation projects. After completing the illustrations, I import them into Photoshop for post-processing and adjustments to enhance the overall presentation of the artwork.
![]() clip studio paint |
![]() SAI |
![]() Adobe Photoshop |
![]() Adobe Illustrator |
![]() Add a Title |
![]() Add a Title |
![]() 大理石表面 |